Subhasish穆克吉 and 密涅瓦谢弗 have been awarded Goldwater Scholarships.
Subhasish穆克吉, 图左, and 密涅瓦谢弗 are the latest CMU students to be recognized as Goldwater Scholars for their commitment to research.


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The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation named two 卡耐基梅隆大学 students as recipients of its 2023 awards.

梅隆理学院 juniors Subhasish穆克吉 and 密涅瓦谢弗 are among the 413 recipients of this year's award, 从5个以上的候选名单中选出,2000名大学二年级和三年级学生. Mukherjee,他在学习 数学科学(在新窗口中打开)Schafer研究 化学(在新窗口中打开), join more than 45 other Carnegie Mellon students recognized as Goldwater Scholars for their commitment to research.

“Our 2023 Goldwater Scholars highlight CMU’s strengths in key areas of mathematics and science research,” Richelle Bernazzoli(在新窗口中打开)他是 本科生研究和学者发展办公室(在新窗口中打开). “Subhasish and Minerva have both made impressive scholarly contributions, pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their respective research fields. What’s even more remarkable is that they have achieved this research progress while excelling in coursework and taking part in other important aspects of campus life, 比如教学和音乐. We are so proud to see them join the community of Goldwater Scholars!”

Each Goldwater Scholar annually receives an amount equal to the cost of tuition, 强制性的费用, 书, and room and board minus the amount of support provided for by other sources, 最高不超过7美元,每学年500英镑.


Mukherjee enjoyed the course Linear Algebra through Matrix Theory so much his first year at Carnegie Mellon that he served as a teaching assistant for it twice.

慕克吉说:“这让我想做更多的数学。. “It was my favorite class when I got here, and I think it’s my favorite class to TA.”

到目前为止,他已经四次担任助教. Along with matrix theory he has helped students in vector analysis, 一门关注线性代数方面的荣誉课程.

2022年夏天,慕克吉开始研究 伊恩•泰斯(在新窗口中打开)他是数学科学副教授. Tice’s research focuses on nonlinear partial differential equations. Mukherjee研究功能空间, which allow mathematicians to discover new properties of differential equations.

“Differential equations are the language of the universe,” Mukherjee said. “Everything from physics to economics to biology to disease spread, 我们可以用微分方程来建模. 它们描述了我们周围的世界.”

泰斯的出版物正在筹备中, and Mukherjee has started some personal research in other areas of mathematics, including developing a new integral and investigating descriptive set theory.

“Subhasish has displayed a remarkable prowess in undergraduate math research,” Tice said. “This is due to a combination of his remarkable drive and passion for math as well as the extensive training he received in the math department's Honors Program. 我们期待他有一个光明的未来.”

Mukherjee intends to graduate in the fall of 2023 to pursue a Ph.D. 在数学方面. He wants to take an interdisciplinary approach where he can work on multiple areas of the field, developing his math skills and discovering new connections. 他说他希望继续研究和教学.

“I really love math and how beautiful and enthralling it can be,” Mukherjee said. “我期待着把它变成我的生活.”


Schafer grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, near “cancer alley.” She knows how 化学 can harm people and the environment. 她也知道它的好处.

In her first year at Carnegie Mellon, Schafer took a 化学 and sustainability course with 特里·柯林斯(在新窗口中打开), the Teresa Heinz Professor in Green Chemistry and the director of the 绿色科学研究所(在新窗口中打开). After diving into the material, Schafer joined Collins’ lab in summer 2021.

“The group designs catalysts for environmental applications, specifically looking at treating hard to remove pollutants in our water streams,谢弗说.

Schafer与Ph.D. candidate Parameswar Pal, who was investigating a catalyst known as TAML. When combined with hydrogen peroxide, TAML can improve water quality. 在学习了html如何与杂质相互作用之后, Schafer wanted to investigate how it could be used to remove antibiotics from wastewater because if left in water systems, they could promote development of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

“We use a lot of antibiotics on a global scale, both in ourselves and livestock,谢弗说. “The problem with that is that what goes into the body must come out. 对于许多抗生素来说, a fairly large percentage of what comes out is the antibiotic itself not changed by metabolism. That gives them a very direct path into wastewater streams.”

Using model systems, she found that TAML can remove fluoroquinolones, common antibiotics. 她和帕尔正在进一步完善这一过程, which they aim to implement in hospital wastewater streams.

“Minerva absorbs knowledge and acquires skills in instrumental techniques with inspiring dexterity and she displays extremely mature standards of data collection and reproducibility both as a gift from Parameswar’s training and by natural proclivity,柯林斯说. 在她独立的职业生涯中, I predict she will become a highly skilled multidisciplinary scientist because she understands that authentic research in safe and sustainable 化学 demands this.”

Schafer plans to graduate in spring 2024, and she wants to pursue a Ph.D. 继续她在安全和可持续化学领域的工作, 并希望有一天能教会未来的学生它的重要性.
